Detailer Ultimate Graphene Ceramic 10H Coating Warranty Guidelines
We guarantee the lifespan of the coating to last a minimum of 5 years assuming it follows the appropriate care instructions. You can claim this warranty if it has been less than the 5 year period.
You must provide:
- Steps you took to apply the coating (Prep, environment and time in your possession to cure)
- Invoices of care after coating has been applied (A once a month comprehensive wash with you)
- Provide a detailed explanation as to why the coating has failed plus what care the customer has done to their exterior themselves (a simple I don’t know will not suffice as it has been tried and tested on many cars with the necessary prep work outlined)
- Include a image of the application sticker
- Customer wipes/washes car paint within the 7 day drying period
- Application wasn't carried out in an indoor controlled environment
- Failure to provide any one of the requirements to claim a warranty
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